Publications of the FREGAT Working Group
Postoperative complications and symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with gastric and esophageal cancer: a retrospective cohort study
Valentyn Fournier, Sullivan Fontesse, Véronique Christophe, Nassima Ramdane, Amélie Anota, Alice Gauchet, Sophie Lelorain, Anne-Sophie Baudry, Christelle Duprez, Stephanie Devaux, Damien BergeatORCID Icon, Xavier Benoit D’Journo, Olivier Glehen, Guillaume Piessen, Delphine Grynberg &FREGAT working group. Received 13 Jun 2023 - Published: 25 Oct 2024
Root cause analysis of mortality after esophagectomy for cancer: a multicenter cohort study from the FREGAT database. Levenson G, Coutrot M, Voron T, Gronnier C, Cattan P, Hobeika C, D'Journo XB, Bergeat D, Glehen O, Mathonnet M, Piessen G, Goéré D.Surgery. 2024 Apr 18:S0039-6060(24)00149-1. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2024.03.012. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38641545
Corrigendum to "Dissecting the genetic heterogeneity of gastric cancer". Hess T, Maj C, Gehlen J, Borisov O, Haas SL, Gockel I, Vieth M, Piessen G, et al., EBioMedicine. 2023 Aug;94:104709. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104709. Epub 2023 Jul 20.PMID: 37480624
Dissecting the genetic heterogeneity of gastric cancer. Hess T, Maj C, Gehlen J, Borisov O, Haas SL, Gockel I, Vieth M, Piessen G, et al., EBioMedicine. 2023 Jun;92:104616. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104616. Epub 2023 May 18.PMID: 37209533
Management of Pathogenic CDH1 Variant Carriers Within the FREGAT Network: A Multicentric Retrospective Study. Bres C, Voron T, Benhaim L, Bergeat D, Parc Y, Karoui M, Genser L, Péré G, Demma JA, Bacoeur-Ouzillou O, Lebreton G, Thereaux J, Gronnier C, Dartigues P, Svrcek M, Bouzillé G, Bardier A, Brunac AC, Roche B, Darcha C, Bazille C, Doucet L, Belleannee G, Lejeune S, Buisine MP, Renaud F, Nuytens F, Benusiglio PR, Veziant J, Eveno C, Piessen G.Ann Surg. 2022 Nov 1;276(5):830-837. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000005626. Epub 2022 Jul 20.PMID: 35856494
Non-occlusive Small Bowel Ischemia Related to Postoperative Feeding Jejunostomy Tube Use After Esophagectomy for Cancer: Propensity Score Analysis of the AFC-FREGAT Database. Veziant J, Gagnière J, Gronnier C, Mariette C, Tzedakis S, Fuks D, Piessen G; on behalf AFC, FREGAT working group.J Gastrointest Surg. 2022 Aug;26(8):1760-1763. doi: 10.1007/s11605-021-05223-7. Epub 2022 Mar 22.PMID: 35318593
Is There an Optimal Definition for a Positive Circumferential Resection Margin in Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer? Brac B, Dufour C, Behal H, Vanderbeken M, Labreuche J, Leteurtre E, Mariette C, Eveno C, Piessen G, Renaud F; FREGAT network.Ann Surg Oncol. 2021 Dec;28(13):8337-8346. doi: 10.1245/s10434-021-10707-6. Epub 2021 Sep 13.PMID: 34514523
Prognosis of poorly cohesive gastric cancer after complete cytoreductive surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CYTO-CHIP study). Bonnot PE, Lintis A, Mercier F, Benzerdjeb N, Passot G, Pocard M, Meunier B, Bereder JM, Abboud K, Marchal F, Quenet F, Goere D, Msika S, Arvieux C, Pirro N, Wernert R, Rat P, Gagnière J, Lefevre JH, Courvoisier T, Kianmanesh R, Vaudoyer D, Rivoire M, Meeus P, Villeneuve L, Piessen G, Glehen O; FREGAT and BIG-RENAPE Networks.Br J Surg. 2021 Oct 23;108(10):1225-1235. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znab200.PMID: 34498666
Five-Year Survival Outcomes of Hybrid Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy in Esophageal Cancer: Results of the MIRO Randomized Clinical Trial. Nuytens F, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Meunier B, Gagnière J, Collet D, D'Journo XB, Brigand C, Perniceni T, Carrère N, Mabrut JY, Msika S, Peschaud F, Prudhomme M, Markar SR, Piessen G; Fédération de Recherche en Chirurgie (FRENCH) and French Eso-Gastric Tumors (FREGAT) Working Groups.JAMA Surg. 2021 Apr 1;156(4):323-332. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2020.7081.PMID: 33595631
Associations between the severity of medical and surgical complications and perception of surgeon empathy in esophageal and gastric cancer patients.Gehenne L, Lelorain S, Eveno C, Piessen G, Mariette C, Glehen O, D'journo X, Mathonnet M, Regenet N, Meunier B, Baudry AS, Christophe V; FREGAT Working Group.Support Care Cancer. 2021 Dec;29(12):7551-7561. doi: 10.1007/s00520-021-06257-y. Epub 2021 Jun 10.PMID: 34110486
Is the Postsurgical Quality of Life of Patients With Esophageal or Gastric Cancer Influenced by Emotional Competence and Neoadjuvant Treatments?Baudry AS, Gehenne L, Grynberg D, Lelorain S, Piessen G, Christophe V; FREGAT Working Group.Cancer Nurs. 2021 Nov-Dec 01;44(6):E600-E608. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000946.PMID: 33813527
Limited Resection Versus Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Duodenal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors? Enucleation Interferes in the Debate: A European Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study.Dubois C, Nuytens F, Behal H, Gronnier C, Manceau G, Warlaumont M, Duhamel A, Denost Q, Honoré C, Facy O, Tuech JJ, Tiberio G, Brigand C, Bail JP, Salame E, Meunier B, Lefevre JH, Mathonnet M, Idrissi MS, Renaud F, Piessen G; AFC and FREGAT Working Group.Ann Surg Oncol. 2021 Oct;28(11):6294-6306. doi: 10.1245/s10434-021-09862-7. Epub 2021 Apr 10.PMID: 33839975
Testing two competitive models of empathic communication in cancer care encounters: A factorial analysis of the CARE measure.
Gehenne L, Lelorain S, Anota A, Brédart A, Dolbeault S, Sultan S, Piessen G, Grynberg D, Baudry AS, Christophe V; FREGAT Working Group.
Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2020 Nov;29(6):e13306. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13306. Epub 2020 Sep 9.PMID: 32902021
The Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC): A French short version for cancer patients.
Baudry AS, Christophe V, Constant E, Piessen G, Anota A; FREGAT Working Group.
PLoS One. 2020 Jun 18;15(6):e0232706. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232706. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32555672
Mariette C, Markar S, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Meunier B, Pezet D, Collet D, D'Journo XB, Brigand C, Perniceni T, Carrere N, Mabrut JY, Msika S, Peschaud F, Prudhomme M, Bonnetain F,Piessen G; FRENCH, FREGAT.Ann Surg. 2020 Jun;271(6):1023-1029. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003559.PMID: 31404005
Gehenne L, Lelorain S, Anota A, Brédart A, Dolbeault S, Sultan S, Piessen G, Grynberg D, Baudry AS, Christophe V; FREGAT Working Group.Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2020 Nov;29(6):e13306. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13306. Epub 2020 Sep9.PMID: 32902021
Bonnot PE,Piessen G, Kepenekian V, Decullier E, Pocard M, Meunier B, Bereder JM, Abboud K, Marchal F, Quenet F, Goere D, Msika S, Arvieux C, Pirro N, Wernert R, Rat P, Gagnière J, Lefevre JH, Courvoisier T, Kianmanesh R, Vaudoyer D, Rivoire M, Meeus P, Passot G, Glehen O; FREGAT and BIG-RENAPE Networks.J Clin Oncol. 2019 Aug 10;37(23):2028-2040. doi: 10.1200/JCO.18.01688. Epub 2019 May 14.PMID: 31084544
Voron T, Gronnier C, Pasquer A, Thereaux J, Gagniere J, Lebreton G, Meunier B, Collet D, Piessen G, Paye F; FREGAT working group - FRENCH.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019 Dec;45(12):2473-2481. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2019.07.022. Epub 2019 Jul 19.PMID: 31350076
The role of trait emotional intelligence in quality of life, anxiety and depression symptoms after surgery for esophageal or gastric cancer: A French national database FREGAT
Anne‐Sophie Baudry 1 | Amelie Anota 2 | Christophe Mariette 3,4 | Franck Bonnetain 2 |
Florence Renaud 4,5 | Guillaume Piessen 3,4 | Veronique Christophe 1 | and the FREGAT Working Group
Continuation versus discontinuation of first-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic squamous cell oesophageal cancer: A randomised phase II trial (E-DIS)*
A. Adenis a,b,c,*, J. Bennouna d, P.L. Etienne e, E. Bogart f, E. Francois g, M.P. Galais h, M. Ben Abdelghani i, P. Michel j, J.P. Metges k, L. Dahan l, T. Conroy m, F. Ghiringhelli n, A. Drouillard o, F. El Hajbi a, E. Samalin b, S. Hiret d, S. Delaine-Clisant b,f, C. Mariette c,p,1, N. Penel a,f, G. Piessen c,p, M.C. Le Deley f,q
Hybrid Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer.
Mariette C, Markar SR, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Meunier B, Pezet D, Collet D, D'Journo XB, Brigand C, Perniceni T, Carrère N, Mabrut JY, Msika S, Peschaud F, Prudhomme M, Bonnetain F, Piessen G; Fédération de Recherche en Chirurgie (FRENCH) and French Eso-Gastric Tumors (FREGAT) Working Group. N Engl J Med. 2019 Jan 10;380(2):152-162. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1805101.
PMID: 30625052
Mariette C, Renaud F, Piessen G, Gele P, Copin MC, Leteurtre E, Delaeter C, Dib M, Clisant S, Harter V, Bonnetain F, Duhamel A, Christophe V, Adenis A; Fregat Working Group. The FREGAT biobank: a clinico-biological database dedicated to esophageal and gastric cancers. BMC Cancer. 2018 Feb 6;18(1):139. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-3991-8.
Cohen C, Tessier W, Gronnier C, Renaud F, Pasquer A, Théreaux J, Gagnière J, Meunier B, Collet D, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT (French Eso-Gastric Tumors working group) – FRENCH (Fédération de Recherche en Chirurgie) – AFC (Association Française de Chirurgie). Salvage Surgery for Esophageal Cancer: How to Improve Outcomes? Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Feb 7. doi: 10.1245/s10434-018-6365-1. [Epub ahead of print]
Discrepancy Between Clinical and Pathologic Nodal Status of Esophageal Cancer and Impact on Prognosis and Therapeutic Strategy. Markar SR, Gronnier C, Pasquer A, Duhamel A, Behal H, Théreaux J, Gagnière J, Lebreton G, Brigand C, Renaud F, Piessen G, Meunier B, Collet D, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group—FRENCH—AFC.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2017 Dec;24(13):3911-3920. doi: 10.1245/s10434-017-6088-8. Epub 2017 Sep 25. PMID: 28948524
Adenis A, Piessen G, Azria D. Definitive chemoradiation for resectable carcinoma of the cervical esophagus: do we need more evidence? Ann Transl Med 2017 Dec;5(24):503. doi: 10.21037/atm.2017.10.27
Renaud F, Bibeau F, Leteurtre E, Delaeter C, Dib M, Harter V, Adenis A, Piessen G, Mariette C;FREGAT working group. [FREGAT: French clinico-biological database dedicated to esogastric cancers].
Ann Pathol. 2017 Dec;37(6):457-466. doi: 10.1016/j.annpat.2017.10.005. Epub 2017 Nov 28. French.
Lahdaoui F, Messager M, Vincent A, Hec F, Gandon A, Warlaumont M, Renaud F, Leteurtre E, Piessen G, Jonckheere N, Mariette C, Van Seuningen I. Depletion of MUC5B mucin in gastrointestinal cancer cells alters their tumorigenic properties: implication of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Biochem J. 2017 Nov 1;474(22):3733-3746
Mantziari S, Gronnier C, Renaud F, Duhamel A, Théreaux J, Brigand C, Carrère N, Lefevre JH, Pasquer A, Demartines N, Collet D, Meunier B, Mariette C; FREGAT working group – FRENCH – AFC. Survival Benefit of Neoadjuvant Treatment in Clinical T3N0M0 Esophageal Cancer: Results From a Retrospective Multicenter European Study. Ann Surg. 2017 Nov;266(5):805-813
Degisors S, Pasquer A, Renaud F, Béhal H, Hec F, Gandon A, Vanderbeken M, Caranhac G, Duhamel A, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT working group. Are Thoracotomy and/or Intrathoracic Anastomosis Still Predictors of Postoperative Mortality After Esophageal Cancer Surgery?: A Nationwide Study. Ann Surg. 2017 Nov;266(5):854-862
Markar SR, Gronnier C, Pasquer A, Duhamel A, Behal H, Théreaux J, Gagnière J, Lebreton G, Brigand C, Meunier B, Collet D, Mariette C; FREGAT working group – FRENCH – AFC. Surgically treated oesophageal cancer developed in a radiated field: Impact on peri-operative and long-term outcomes. Eur J Cancer. 2017 Apr;75:179-189
Mariette C. What is the optimal neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced oesophageal adenocarcinoma?Ann Oncol. 2017 Mar 1;28(3):447-450
Messager M, Warlaumont M, Renaud F, Marin H, Branche J, Piessen G, Mariette C. Recent improvements in the management of esophageal anastomotic leak after surgery for cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Feb;43(2):258-269
Pasquer A, Renaud F, Hec F, Gandon A, Vanderbeken M, Drubay V, Caranhac G, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT Working GroupFRENCH. Is Centralization Needed for Esophageal and Gastric Cancer Patients With Low Operative Risk?: A Nationwide Study. Ann Surg. 2016 Nov;264(5):823-830
Gandon A, Gronnier C, Renaud F, Borde P, Vanderbeken M, Hec F, Piessen G, Adenis A, Mirabel X, Mariette C. Esophageal adenocarcinoma: Impact of a large hiatal hernia on outcomes after surgery. Ann Surg. 2016 Nov;264(5):862-870
Voron T, Messager M, Duhamel A, Lefevre JH, Mabrut JY, Goere D, Meunier B, Brigand C, Hamy A, Glehen O, Mariette C, Paye F; On behalf of the FREGAT working group – FRENCH. Is signet-ring cell carcinoma a specific entity among gastric cancers? Gastric Cancer. 2016 Oct;19(4):1027-40
Lordick F, Mariette C, Haustermans K, Obermannová R, Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Oesophageal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. 2016 Sep;27(suppl 5):v50-v57
Mantziari S, Gronnier C, Pasquer A, Gagnière J, Théreaux J, Demartines N, Schäfer M, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group–FRENCH–AFC. Incidence and Risk Factors Related to Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolic Events After Esophagectomy for Cancer. Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Sep;102(3):979-84
Bekkar S, Gronnier C, Renaud F, Duhamel A, Pasquer A, Théreaux J, Gagnière J, Meunier B, Collet D, Mariette C; French Eso-Gastric Tumors (FREGAT) working group, Fédération de Recherche EN CHirurgie (FRENCH) and Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC). Multicentre study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for stage I and II oesophageal cancer. Br J Surg. 2016 Jun;103(7):855-62
Markar SR, Gronnier C, Duhamel A, Pasquer A, Théreaux J, Chalret du Rieu M, Lefevre JH, Turner K, Luc G, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group-FRENCH-AFC. Significance of Microscopically Incomplete Resection Margin After Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg. 2016 Apr;263(4):712-8
Markar SR, Gronnier C, Pasquer A, Duhamel A, Beal H, Théreaux J, Gagnière J, Lebreton G, Brigand C, Meunier B, Collet D, Mariette C; French Eso-Gastric Tumors (FREGAT) working group – Federation de Recherche EN CHirurgie (FRENCH) – Association Francaise de Chirurgie (AFC). Role of neoadjuvant treatment in clinical T2N0M0 oesophageal cancer: results from a retrospective multi-center European study. Eur J Cancer. 2016 Mar;56:59-68
Robb WB, Messager M, Dahan L, Mornex F, Maillard E, D'Journo XB, Triboulet JP, Bedenne L, Seitz JF, Mariette C; Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive, Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique, Union des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer, Groupe Coopérateur Multidisciplinaire en Oncologie and the French EsoGAstric Tumour working group - Fédération de Recherche En Chirurgie. Patterns of recurrence in early-stage oesophageal cancer after chemoradiotherapy and surgery compared with surgery alone. Br J Surg. 2016 Jan;103(1):117-25
Markar S, Gronnier C, Duhamel A, Mabrut JY, Bail JP, Carrere N, Lefevre JH, Brigand C, Vaillant JC, Adham M, Msika S, Demartines N, El Nakadi I, Meunier B, Collet D, Mariette C; On behalf of the FREGAT (French Eso-Gastric Tumors) working group, FRENCH (Fédération de Recherche EN CHirurgie), and AFC (Association Française de Chirurgie). The impact of severe anastomotic leak on long-term survival and cancer recurrence after surgical resection for esophageal malignancy. Ann Surg. 2015 Dec;262(6):972-80
Luc G, Gronnier C, Lebreton G, Brigand C, Mabrut JY, Bail JP, Meunier B, Collet D, Mariette C; On behalf of the FREGAT (French Eso-Gastric Tumors) working group-FRENCH (Fédération de Recherche EN CHirurgie)-AFC (Association Française de Chirurgie). Predictive Factors of Recurrence in Patients with Pathological Complete Response After Esophagectomy Following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer: A Multicenter Study. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Dec;22 Suppl 3:1357-64
Piessen G, Lefèvre JH, Cabau M, Duhamel A, Behal H, Perniceni T, Mabrut JY, Regimbeau JM, Bonvalot S, Tiberio GA, Mathonnet M, Regenet N, Guillaud A, Glehen O, Mariani P, Denost Q, Maggiori L, Benhaim L, Manceau G, Mutter D, Bail JP, Meunier B, Porcheron J, Mariette C, Brigand C; AFC and the FREGAT working group. Laparoscopic Versus Open Surgery for Gastric Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: What Is the Impact on Postoperative Outcome and Oncologic Results? Ann Surg. 2015 Nov;262(5):831-40
Messager M, Pasquer A, Duhamel A, Caranhac G, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT working group - FRENCH. Laparoscopic Gastric Mobilization Reduces Postoperative Mortality After Esophageal Cancer Surgery: A French Nationwide Study. Ann Surg. 2015 Nov;262(5):817-23
Markar S, Gronnier C, Duhamel A, Pasquer A, Théreaux J, Chalret du Rieu M, Lefevre JH, Turner K, Luc G, Mariette C ; Written on behalf of the French Eso-Gastric Tumors (FREGAT) Working Group–Fédération de Recherche en Chirurgie (FRENCH)–Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC). Salvage Surgery After Chemoradiotherapy in the Management of Esophageal Cancer: Is It a Viable Therapeutic Option? J Clin Oncol. 2015 Nov 20;33(33):3866-73
Robb WB, Messager M, Gronnier C, Tessier W, Hec F, Piessen G, Mariette C; the FREGAT (French EsoGastric Tumor) working group - FRENCH (Fédération de Recherche en Chirurgie). High-Grade Toxicity to Neoadjuvant Treatment for Upper Gastrointestinal Carcinomas: What is the Impact on Perioperative and Oncologic Outcomes? Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Oct;22(11):3632-9
Markar S, Gronnier C, Duhamel A, Bigourdan JM, Badic, B, Chalret du Rieu M, Lefevre JH, Turner K, Luc G, Mariette C; On behalf of the FREGAT working group – FRENCH – AFC. Pattern of postoperative mortality after esophageal cancer resection according to center volume: results from a large European multi-center study. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Aug;22(8):2615-23
Mariette C, Gronnier C, Duhamel A, Mabrut JY, Bail JP, Carrere N, Lefevre JH, Meunier B, Collet D, Piessen G; FREGAT working group – FRENCH – AFC. Self-expanding covered metallic stent as a bridge to surgery in esophageal cancer: impact on oncological outcomes. J Am Coll Surg. 2015 Mar;220(3):287-96
Robb WB, Bruyere E, Amielh D, Vinatier E, Mabrut JY, Perniceni T, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group - FRENCH. Esophageal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: Is Tumoral Enucleation a Viable Therapeutic Option? Ann Surg. 2015 Jan;261(1):117-24
Piessen G, Messager M, Lefevre JH, Goéré D, Mabrut JY, Meunier B, Brigand C, Hamy A, Glehen O, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group – FRENCH. Signet ring cell adenocarcinomas: Different clinical-pathological characteristics of oesophageal and gastric locations. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2014 Dec;40(12):1746-55
Gronnier C, Tréchot B, Duhamel A, Mabrut JY, Bail JP, Carrere N, Lefevre JH, Brigand C, Vaillant JC, Adham M, Msika S, Demartines N, El Nakadi I, Meunier B, Collet D, Mariette C; On-behalf-of the FREGAT Working Group - FRENCH. Impact of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy on postoperative outcomes after esophageal cancer resection: results of a European multicenter study. Ann Surg. 2014 Nov;260(5):764-71
Bekkar S, Gronnier C, Messager M, Robb WB, Piessen G, Mariette C; French Eso-Gastric Tumors Working Group - Fédération de Recherche en Chirurgie. The impact of preoperative radiochemotherapy on survival in advanced esophagogastric junction signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Jan;97(1):303-10
Gronnier C, Messager M, Robb WB, Thiebot T, Louis D, Luc G, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT working group - FRENCH. Is the negative prognostic impact of signet ring cell histology maintained in early gastric adenocarcinoma? Surgery. 2013 Nov;154(5):1093-9
Robb WB, Messager M, Goere D, Pichot-Delahaye V, Lefevre JH, Louis D, Guiramand J, Kraft K, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group - FRENCH. Predictive factors of postoperative mortality after junctional and gastric adenocarcinoma resection. JAMA Surg. 2013 Jul;148(7):624-31
Mariette C, Bruyère E, Messager M, Pichot-Delahaye V, Paye F, Dumont F, Brachet D, Piessen G; FREGAT Working Group. Palliative Resection for Advanced Gastric and Junctional Adenocarcinoma: Which Patients will Benefit from Surgery? Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Apr;20(4):1240-9
Honoré C, Goéré D, Messager M, Souadka A, Dumont F, Piessen G, Elias D, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group – FRENCH. Risk factors of peritoneal recurrence in eso-gastric signet ring cell adenocarcinoma: results of a multicentre retrospective study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Mar;39(3):235-41
Triboulet JP, Gronnier C, Messager M, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT Working Group. [Does early signet ring cell gastric carcinoma carry a worse prognosis?]. Bull Acad Natl Med. 2013 Feb;197(2):443-55; discussion 455-6. French.
Messager M, Lefevre JH, Pichot-Delahaye V, Souadka A, Piessen G, Mariette C; FREGAT working group - FRENCH. The impact of perioperative chemotherapy on survival in patients with gastric signet ring cell adenocarcinoma: a multicenter comparative study. Ann Surg. 2011 Nov;254(5):684-93