Investigator teams
In 2005, the global incidence of gastroesophageal cancers was estimated at 1,500,000 new cases (500,000 esophageal and 1,000,000 gastric), with a prospect of 2,110,000 new cases by 2025.
The FREGAT project of prospective clinico-biological database dedicated to oesophagogastric cancers unites the vast majority of clinical teams and University hospital centres who struggle against these cancers and care for the majority of cases nationally
The project based on many existing networks, mostly labelled by the INCa (tumour bank networks and Biological Ressources Centres, networks of Cancers Registries and Data Processing Centres, databases from national therapeutic trials (FFCD, UNICANCER, FRENCH federations) and other recognised platforms (North-West data processing centre recognised by INCA, Human and Social Sciences, Epidemiology, Methodology and Biostatistics and Quality of life) that ensure its implementation, its and its quality.
Ce projet s'appuie par ailleurs sur de nombreux réseaux existants, la plupart labellisés par l’INCa, associés à des contrôles de qualité effectifs (réseaux tumorothèques et Centres de Ressources Biologiques, réseaux des Registres, base de données d'essais thérapeutiques nationaux (FFCD, UNICANCER, FRENCH)) ainsi que sur des plates-formes reconnues (Sciences humaines et sociales, Epidémiologie, Méthodologie et Biostatistiques, Plateforme de qualité de vie) qui assurent sa réalisation, son efficience et sa qualité.
The involvement of so many national teams highlights the major scientific interest of the project and the existing structure of linical research in France for these cancers.
The visibility of the project, whose construction has been already initiated, and of the participating teams allowed us before the inclusion of the first patients the participation of European French speaking teams industrial partners in the process of signing contracts, and of making this FREGAT database an irreplaceable pillar for the development of a European wide database, already under discussion, dedicated to oesophagogastric cancers.
Center | Team | Investigator | Postal address |
Lille |
1A |
Guillaume PIESSEN |
Hôpital C. Huriez - Chirurgie Générale et Digestive |
1B |
Centre Oscar Lambret - Cancérologie Digestive et urologie |
Lyon |
2 |
Olivier GLEHEN |
Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud |
CH Edouard Herriot |
CH La Croix Rousse |
Marseille |
3A |
Xavier Benoit D’JOURNO |
CHU Nord - Chirurgie thoracique |
Villejuif |
4 |
Leonor BENHAIM |
Institut Gustave Roussy |
Bordeaux |
5A |
Jacques JOUGON |
CHU Haut Leveque - Chirurgie Thoracique |
5B |
Caroline GRONNIER |
CHU Haut Leveque - Chirurgie Viscérale |
Toulouse |
6A |
Nicolas CARRERE |
Hôpital Purpan Pavillon Dieulafoy |
Paris |
7 |
Antoine MARIANI |
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (HEGP) |
Strasbourg |
8 |
Cécile BRIGAND |
Hôpital Universitaire de Hautepierre - Chirurgie Digestive |
Montpellier |
9A |
Jean Michel FABRE |
Hôpital St Eloi - Chirurgie Digestive |
9B |
Emmanuelle SAMALIN |
Institut du Cancer de Montpellier - Oncologie Digestive |
Paris |
10 |
Thibault VORON |
Hôpital St Antoine - Chirurgie Digestive |
Bobigny |
11 |
Jean-Marc SABATE |
Hôpital Avicennes - Gastroentérologie et Cancérologie Digestive |
Kremlin Bicêtre |
13 |
Christophe PENNA |
AP-HP Hôpital Kremlin Bicêtre - Chirurgie Digestive |
Paris |
14 |
Hôpital Lariboisière Bat Viggo Petersen |
Paris |
15 |
Laurent GENSER |
Hopital Pitié Salpétrière |
Boulogne-Billancourt |
16 |
Frédérique PESCHAUD |
Hôpital Ambroise Paré - Chirurgie Générale et Digestive |
St Etienne |
17A |
Bertrand LEROY |
CHU de Saint-Étienne Hôpital Nord - Chirurgie viscérale |
17B |
Olivier TIFFET |
CHU de Saint-Étienne Hôpital Nord- Chirurgie Thoracique |
Clermont Ferrand |
19A |
CHU Estaing - Chirurgie et oncologie digestive |
Nîmes |
20 |
Fréderic BORIE |
CHU Caremeau - Chirurgie Digestive |
Nancy |
21A |
Adeline GERMAIN |
Centre Hospitalier - Bat Brabois |
21B |
Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine |
Reims |
22 |
Olivier BOUCHE |
CHU Hôpital Robert Debré |
Dijon |
23A |
Centre Hospitalier |
23B |
Philippe MAINGON |
Centre Georges François Leclerc |
Amiens |
24 |
Nouveau CHU Picardie |
Limoges |
25 |
Centre Hospitalier Dupuytren - Chirurgie digestive |
Nantes |
26 |
Nicolas REGENET |
Centre Hospitalier - Chirurgie Digestive et endocrinologie |
Caen |
27A |
Marie Pierre GALAIS |
Centre François Baclesse - Comité digestif |
27B |
CHU - Chirurgie Digestive niveau 07 |
Rouen |
28 |
Fréderic DI FIORE |
CHU Charles Nicolle - Hépato Gastro-entérologie |
Grenoble |
29 |
Pierre-Yves BRICHON |
CHU Michaillon - BP 217 - Chirurgie Thoracique |
Tours |
30 |
CHU Tours - service de chirurgie digestive |
Colombes |
31 |
Hôpital Louis Mourier- Chirurgie Digestive |
Rennes |
33A |
Laurent SULPICE |
CHU - Pontchaillou - Chirurgie Digestive et oncologie |
Paris |
34 |
Bertrand DOUSSET |
Hôpital Cochin - Service de chirurgie digestive |
Paris |
35 |
Jean Marc GORNET |
Hôpital St Louis - Chirurgie Générale et Digestive |
Besançon |
36 |
CHU - Chirurgie Digestive et cancérologie |
Paris |
39 |
Stéphane BONNET |
Institut Mutualiste Montsouris |
Argenteuil |
40 |
Malika |
CH Victor Dupouy |
Lyon-Mermoz |
41 |
Pierre Emmanuel BONNOT |
Hôpital Privé Jean Mermoz |
Poitier |
42 |
Jérome DANION |
CHU de poitier |
Metz |
43 |
Cyrille BUISSET |
Hôpital R. Schumann – Groupe UNEO |